
This is not caused by discrimination, but by a difference in interests.

You're definately right about the interests, but when it comes to certain areas there's definately still discrimination involved! Mostly indirect though, as in, some years ago it would be totally not done to even think about accepting a woman for a certain position in a company or certain jobs or even accept university application, but instead give a 'recommendation' that she would be better of when she would not study.

People tend to deny it, but the effects of those days are still very very noticable in today's world, despite emancipation.

I only have to look at the amount of female teachers in our University. It's still far from equal and then I'm talking about art, languages and culture faculties too! (the faculties women usually are most likely to be interested in, as opposed to e.g. chemistry)


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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