
raw ACTION stuff without any plot, but girls tend to like STORIES type stuff.

Lol, yeah right.. For some reason this reminds me off girls often claiming we men do not think about anything but sex.


I never met any female that liked raw action stuff like DUKE 3D for example, but I know that is a very old title.

I don't know any either when it comes to Duke Nukem 3D, however I do know their are quite some female Quake(I t/m IV), America's Army, Joint Operations and Unreal Tournament (I t/m 2004) players out there. It's nothing in numbers compared to the total amount of men playing these kind of games, but there are enough to say that women can really like action games too.

By the way, I've seen on a documentary once that girls did like Tombraider, especially because it "finally had a girl/woman as the main playable character", not forcing girls to play with some "some stupid guy".


Why does anyone like them? I feel DISCONNECTED from the crowd on this.

It's all about getting a connection with the story-line, getting involved in the game, attached to the main characters, things like that. Some lack imagination and seem to be totally emotionally imune for a game story line's experience. Compared to movies, most games are not yet really emotionally convincing. It's like you've posted yourself before, why care about some sci-fi guy who doesn't even look real.... We're simply not there yet, when it comes to thát kind of realism, it's one of the main reasons why e.g. Doom3 or Half-life2, although looking great, couldn't really scare me,
(the much much older game Phantasmagoria II did scare the hell out of me, because it was using movie material inside the game, an interactive movie kinda game.)
