I've never gotten excited about storyline-focussed games, but i do enjoy a good story in a game. I enjoy reading a good book, but only if forced to start it, and then i usually wont stay reading it more than halfway. The Bible has some great stories in it, especially the OT... Joshua can be quite violent. Could be great for an action game.

I did Software Design and Development for three terms (completed my Preliminary year and then dropped it because it felt like a waste of time) but anyway, there were about 25 kids in that class and absolutely none of them were girls.
I have no doubt that women are just as capable, but I don't know any who have an interest in these sorts of things, and in fact don't know more than three or four who have more than a vague interest in video games.


Why aren't there more in the USA? We were not even allowed to VOTE in this country UNTIL 1920.

Sorry but i had to have a quiet chuckle at this. Most people alive today weren't even born by 1920, let alone were old enough to vote. The quote seems to me a little like "Why didn't I do well in my english essay? People didn't speak english in my family until my Grandad's generation" (which isn't true, btw). Generally -- and i stress the word "generally" -- men are more logical and competitive (not that the two are related) than women, giving them an advantage in business.

Women obviously are very capable -- there are three full-time female maths teachers at our school and one male. There are three full-time science teachers and, again, only one male. In fact, there are three full-time english teachers and only one male. Oh... wait... same deal for social sciences as well. Two-to-one in physical education... and one-nil in cooking. The school Principal is a woman and there are two vice's -- one female and one male.

You know what this confirms.... "those who can't do, teach" Whoa! Settle down! I really didn't mean that.

I am completely aware that women didn't always have the vote, and that many social systems were (and I stress the word "were") sexist, but now I think you'll find it swings both ways. I am not sexist in the slightest. I think people who think men are better than women are foolish. I also think women who complain too much (and I stress the phrase "too much" -- too much stressing in this post) about men and their 'sexist' ways (which is often not the case) are foolish. Jetpack_Monkey, I am not puttin you in this category, btw. This discussion just reminded me of my old History teacher. Thought I'd let you know just in case you mis-construed my two cents worth.

I think I've run out of things to say.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!