
Do you think that men and women have the same skill for math or in general for science ?

Men and women have different strengths and weaknesses. For maths, science and engineering, men are "generally" hands down better than women. Those fields also attract far more men than women. Computing, too. Men are far more likely to be geeks than girls are. There are always exceptions, though.


That said, you may assume that, in my opinion men, are more intelligent than women

No, it doesn't work like that. Intelligence is not neccessarilly measured by how good you are at physics, maths or how quickly you can solve a Rubic's Cube. Women tend to be much better than men in other fields, like languages for example. If a woman didn't know anything about the sciences, but was fluent in three languages and deeply knowledgable about third century Chinese paintings, you wouldn't think she was unintelligent, would you?

It is true that most genius are men. However, genius often comes with some kind of insanity or social difficulties.

There is no reason why women can't be politicians or managers. In fact, womens' "generally" more refined and perceptive social skills can make them very good leaders and politicians.

Ultimately it comes down to individual strengths, anyway. For example, I've read some of the utter creationist rubbish you've written on this forum, and I would have to say that all the women I know are more knowledgable about science than you are.

Last edited by A.Russell; 12/13/06 11:08.