Sorry for the delay, I'm currently writing a script for the player. It actually uses Newton for it's movement, so your players body can interact with the objects. The original doesn't use newton, and you pass right through the objects.

It's almost working, I'm just testing...

The hardest part about making the player is keeping it's balance... lol. Newton uses a "absolute" method of storing vectors, but I need to use "relative" vectors, so the conversions are a pain-in-the-ass...

ADD: The jumping code is pissing me off... Newton doesn't work with the time_step variable too well. It currently jumps at (very) different heights depending on time_step. Also, with the way the players movement is done, if you are standing on a cart for example, the cart will roll instead of you walking over it. So things that easily move get dragged with you (like a skateboard).

Last edited by xXxGuitar511; 02/25/07 03:49.

- Programmer