
6270 baby!

when can we get more? havent ejoyed a 3dgs game that much for quite some time.

any reason why you dont use 3d models? imagine twirling planes crashing onto the ground. harder to predict and looks a lot better. Parts and particles that burst to the side (so they cant hit the player).

I could also see some bombers and carpet bombing, some dive bombers and more vehicles on the ground.
also some height variation in the ground could make this more interesting.

i am waiting for the next demo

cheers and dont let us wait too long

Wow never expected that its possible to get more than 6000 Points in the first level great scoring . (i just played for 2 minutes at all maximum)

I am glad you like this game , thanks again.

you have nice suggestions about this game in 3D and some of them will be done also in 2D , hehe but this is only a 2D project.

Game status : Level 2 - 40 % finished more to come ( every 2 levels a Boss fight )

Last edited by Shinobi; 01/10/07 21:29.