
Yeah, I guess saving a few seconds isn't worth it...
I just like doing it all in WED...

Well, I do agree it saved starting up SED, typing in the code, save it and after that you can run the project file.

Although it's indeed probably a matter of some seconds I too liked the 'add script' function. If you code lot's of things in modules, having an 'add script' function becomes a powerful tool. However I think the Project Manager does sort of replace this when you start adding your own .wdl files to the .xml database. Advantage is the fact that you can customize/edit through WED, never even starting SED. You just have to make sure your code is written in a module style and is included in the .xml. In the end I wouldn't know what would be faster, since you've got better control over wdls with the use of the Project Manager,


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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