Thanks for your good words everyone,

Once again, i'll need a few beta testers to try out the new patch, before i force everyone to download a patch that might still have that damn Lab A bug. I thought i had that all figured out, but since you're saying "-d realgame" didn't work for you, you have me worried again

If you want to help out, make sure you'll be available for most of the day(patch not done yet) and that you have the minimum requirements.

@Exciter, you'll need 512mb to play the game. Thanks for explaining the bat method as well, now people can choose:P

@ozziedave, about 1., maybe the Npc was a few steps below you? I've noticed that bug before, but in normal conditions, if the npc is too close to the player he'll back away. I had no idea about the fans, i'll check it right away.

@Atsu, normally, you shouldn't have unplayable frame rates even in the released version. How much ram do you have? The patch will have a few optimizations to prevent some of the short slow-downs people are experiencing.


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