Hello everyone,

Thanks for your replies. If someone of the people who reported the crash has some free time, i'd appreciate if you could do a little more testing and report your results here. Since noone else in our team gets that bug in their computers anymore, i'd really appreciate your help on this.

What i want you to do is go to the installation directory and delete Intro0.sav, 1stChapter0.sav and Checkpoint0.sav. Then run the game again, start it in Easy difficulty so you don't die easy, and go through the russian scientist scene(the guy with the brown jacket) without dieing in the meantime. Let me know if that works. Then load back to the last checkpoint from the in-game menu and go through the russian scientist scene again. If it still doesn't crash, shut down the game and then run it one more time.

Your reports will help me figure this out as quick as possible.

Thank you,

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