Well, the goal is 16 players. (including AI, if I get it done...)
You have different types of rockets: a single rocket, or you can shoot 3 or maybe even 5 at the same time. You'll have a max of probably 20 rockets...
But since you have "reload" times in there, and you can only shoot the next rocket after about 4 secs (or even less), you can still shoot all 20 rockets before the first one explodes, 3*7 = 21, so you'd have to shoot 7 times to shoot all rockets, 7*4seconds = 28, and it takes about 40 secs for a rocket to run out of fuel and explode.
that means I could have a max of 20 rockets in the game from just one player. 20*16 is 320 rockets.
Additional to that I need the lasers + the mines (the latter don't get removed after some time)...
so it would be a lot of entities that I'd have to create. And I'd rather have more rockets than I just mentioned, not less...

I'll fiddle around with this: you create the rocket using ent_create and assign an index number to it. Then you send a command to all other players and they create a rocket with the same index number. then you can update the rocket's angle, speed vector, and position every view frames...

Not the best method, but I'll try it anyways...


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-Mark Twain