
So the question is whether God had a 'just cause' for his killings. It not, it was murder, it's as simple as that. If he just says: "They died because of their disobedience to me", then he must also explain why the court should show more mercy to him than to a Hitler or Saddam who killed people for the same reason.

Saddam and Hitler denied their victims of the one supreme human quality, namely choice. By stripping their victims from their choice love is turned into rape, and capital punishment is turned into murder. Hitler never allowed his victims to repent and even if he did there would be nothing to repent from for how does someone repent from being a Jew? Or how does someone say sorry about being a Kurd? Hitler and Saddam were not chosen by the people, perhaps they had their own nations under fearful subjection, but they tried to rob other nations of choice and therefore liberty. Choice = Liberty.

God has given everyone the freedom of choice, and He has no desire to see anyone choose death for themselves, but He has given us all the opportunity to choose life and death. I personally cannot fathom why anyone would choose death, but it happens probably out of ignorance.

Going back to the question of "just cause", I dont believe anyone born on earth is truly innocent. We are a flawed, tainted species which will undoubtedly destroy ourselves eventually with or without God's judgemental intervention. The fact that we can be "born again" and therefore recycled is the greatest hope of humanity.

All other religions, cults, psychologies, and self-help programs offer only improvement upon our old selves. Christianity offers a completely new "model" of psyche for replacement.

So it would not have mattered one bit if a Christian had died in the earthquake because a Christian has an immortal soul which makes death meaningless for him. Therefore you should perhaps adjust the high court proceedings with a new docket of evidence, namely "exhibit A" which would contain all the names of all the Christians who seemingly perished in the quake. Those numbers would have to be subtracted from the total deathcount.