JCL, the first clue that you should have ignored that link (about bible massacres) is that the website itself linked to the skeptic's annotated bible. The most intellectually lazy and irrelevant peice of information on the internet, and that's saying something.

If you want another view on the massacres, I'll reference any curious sorts here since these topics are too in depth to go into in one thread on one forum.

Its extremely telling that these massacres are referred to as 'holocausts' as if they can even be compared in any way whatsoever.


I'm no expert in "liberal versions" of God, maybe there are many such versions. But modern Christians usually believe that God did not create the Universe and can not physically influence events on earth.

That's deism, not Christianity.

Why would a deistic god, considering its nature, send its son to earth to die for our sins?


He's more an idea than a physical entity, and thus is not responsible for death and suffering.

Yes, which is why liberal christianity is a good breeding ground for new age philosophies tacked onto the bible.


Only US fundamentalists still believe that their God, just as Hitler or Saddam, personally inflicted death and suffering as retaliation for disobedience. See:


The bible doesn't directly claim that God invented death, this belief is some fundamentalist specialty. However according to the bible God often incited others to murder and genocide, acted as an accomplice to murder, or committed mass murder himself.

Death is just a consequential result of our universe lacking in the full presence of God, for those who believe that argument. I'm kind of leaning in that direction, but I haven't completely decided yet.

Anyway, I'll just use that as my argument for now. In this case, and as AiG implies in their website (unless you can point out otherwise), God doesn't necessarily create death so much as He allows it to happen since He has partially removed His presence from the creation.

Argh...I had a lot more I wanted to say, but I have to go for now. I have to hang out with my friend (lame, I know), but I'll be back around later.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."