
I don't understand why WE should receive the same punishment for something we didn't do!


I did not say it is right , did I ?
I said that the original sin is a milestone of the Christian teology both Catholic and Protestant
I dont know wether other religions have something similar
Obviusly you can accept or refuse it but nobody can declare himself a Christian if he does not beleive in it

"By lack of God's presence, I wasn't speaking of any physical presence in a strict sense. Its a lack of fellowship in the light of something like a lord-vassal relationship. "

... and the question is :
Why did the Lord leave vassal alone ?

I suppose bcause the vassal offended the Lord
Not for eating an apple , of course th eapple must not be understood literally

" eve did it first, and then convinced adam to "

exactly and the Lord said

" and your desire shall be toward your husband; and he shall rule over you."