
Killing innocents is always wrong, regardless of whether a dictator makes a law that allows that for him. It would also be wrong for extraterrestrials, and even for gods.

This is why God is still standing before the court and his lawyer knows that claiming total relativity of fairness and morale would not be a good defense.

All in all after some more thinking, I don't think many lawyers would like to defend God. Can God prove that those who have been killed by him were infact guilty? If not, then he's got a problem no matter which defense strategy.


Why would their be life after death? It makes no sense to end something that your going to continue.

That's right. Some would argue that if something doesn't make sense it doesn't have to be wrong. Still, in my opinion that's just evidence for the fact that our knowledge about it is lacking and thus is makes no sense, eventhough with the right knowledge it probably makes sense. So all in all, this is still a two-way argument, not conclusive in favor of no God.


functionalists theory

Yeah, but again, if you don't understand the function or can't see it, what proves it's not there? Infact, 'no god = no heaven' is not really an argument, since it's an assumption about the correlation between two unknown things, possibly but not necessarily linked together.


One law of Physics states simply that matter and energy can not be created nor destroyed.

Independant of the exact content and accuracy of this theory, it could always be wrong on some points or incomplete to some extent. That's why some religious people totally agree with science, but always say that before all that science can determine, there was God and his actions.

My point of this all? You can phylosophize all you wish, but you a.) will never come to a solid conclusion and b.) can't prove anything with just logic when it comes to religion.

It's good thing to think about it like this though, but based on your notes which 'argument' weighs the most for you? You see, in the end it's more of a choice when you approach the subject your way. However if you stretch your approach a bit further you will undoubtably come to a point where you ask yoursef "hey, but wait a minute, don't we need evidence for ánything to be proven as true?". And thát's where the réal argument is.


Thats a very common atheist thing to say, yet at the same time alot of atheist also wouldn't put the parents of a "failed" offspring in jail. I mean how could you? Say you steal, it's your mother and father's fault from your point of view.

You're mixing up two things. The things we shóuld do and the things we dón't do. I can't help it that a lot of irresponsible parents get away with it.

If someone teaches you that stealing is right, then that teacher is wrong. If someone doesn't teach you stealing is nót right, then that teacher is wrong too. You can blame the parents a lack of guidance here. Depending on the child's age, his parents could definately be held accountable and get a punishment. To be honest with you I think in this case theists are moreso the ones who often do no agree with this.

If my child does terrible things while I'm still responsible for him or her, I will definately have no problem taking the blame or punishment for it, if I'm the one who's to blame. At a certain point children/adults will become responsible for their own acts off course, but not when they are 12 or something.


Then again, it must be your parent's parents fault for failing to teach them how to raise kids

If you grow up and your parent teaches you everything correctly, you will know how a good childhood should be and will lateron teach according to your own experience. Nobody tells you how to rais a child, this is something that comes quite natural when you've had a good childhood yourself. I'm not saying every parent can actually properly raise children, but with the right experience people should.

You know how many times I've read in a paper 'yeah, supposedly he had a very bad childhood and that's why he did all those horrible things'? Well, each time the parents are the ones who could have influenced it to be more positive. (wealth is not the problem here by the way, but lack of food could be though, but what responsible parent takes children if they can't feed them?! Again parents are to blame.)

To become a criminal there's a bit more too it, than simply have a bad childhood off course, bad friends and a bad environment all influence this. Hence it's a somewhat complicated issue as far as whére the parent's responsibility ends, however if there's óne thing that counts a LOT when it comes to what people will be like when they are older then it's their childhood...


god didnt give us free will just to tempt us for the fun of it, he gave us free will because:

Don't know about you, but a.) I've never heard God explain this 'gift' to anyone and b.) he didn't ask me if I wanted it in the first place. So we didn't really have a choice when it comes to receiving free will.


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