Whether earthquake deaths are caused/influenced by God or not, it's a part of life. You never know if you'll go early. If you have beliefs in God and the afterlife, your usually not too worried about death. If you dont, you constantly question death, and try to blame it on someone(like God). That's basically what this thread boils down to, people worried about death, possibly sparked by Saddam Hussiens execution. I only hope in your ridicule you'll find the answers your looking for.

I think God just judges each of individually when we die, if your young(child) obviously theres not much to judge. So thats what it comes down to really, you never know when you'll die, and hopefully you'll have accepted God and have faith when you do. As for God acting as Judge, when he looks into our hearts, I have no idea how he would hold us accountable for the bad things we've done, but I guarantee it will be just(take into account family you were raised in, when you died, ect.).

I hope this thread wont go on for many pages of runaround, sometimes we just need to accept the fact that we wont know everything, and we don't know exactly how God works. The whole "God Vs. Court" is nonsense, especially coming from an Atheist. How can an Atheist ridicule someone they don't believe exists? That in itself is a bit odd. The funny thing is that a lot of the questions floating around this forum have already been answered by the bible. I'd recommend everyone looking there first and then draw your conclusions. Don't base your conclusions off internet websites, usually these websites articles are already biased by the authors own conclusions.

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