" Some people believe the OS only refers to the very first sin, others think that the very first sin extends to all of humanity"

Why did Jesus Christ sacrifice his life on the cross , then ?
Honestly I dont think there is any doubt about the interpretation of the bible as far as the Original sin is concerned
Few Christians nowadays beleive that a kid who dies in the craddle before being baptized deserves to go to the hell
However this is exactly what the church has been teaching for thousand years

"The better question is, "Why do you think this?" If you read the bible, God hasn't abandoned us. "

I thought it was your opinion (see your previous thread )
May be I misunderstood, I am not an english native speaker
However it might be a sort of God's defense
"Killing a son " is definitly a worse crime than "abandoning a son who did not behave well "

" and your desire shall be toward your husband; and he shall rule over you."


Actually I was jocking ,I was referring to my previuos thread " About women attitudes"
I meant, you see.. also the Bible confirm my opinions
Apart of it, this is a classic example how people can twist the Bible whenever
it is convenient to do so
Once again there is no doubt about Bible interpretation
Soem thosuand yeears ago nobody , even the women would argue about this claim
Same as nowadays nobody would argue about the opposite claim ( at least in my country )