
Why did Jesus Christ sacrifice his life on the cross , then ?
Honestly I dont think there is any doubt about the interpretation of the bible as far as the Original sin is concerned

Nevertheless, there is a spectrum of possibilities. Mostly consisting of only two biblically solid cases as far as I can see. Not quite a spectrum, and they're both pretty similar, but whatever.


Few Christians nowadays beleive that a kid who dies in the craddle before being baptized deserves to go to the hell

Except a large number of christians (myself included, and just about every christian I know personally) don't believe baptism is necessary for salvation, nor do they believe that babies go to hell.


Actually I was jocking ,I was referring to my previuos thread " About women attitudes"
I meant, you see.. also the Bible confirm my opinions
Apart of it, this is a classic example how people can twist the Bible whenever
it is convenient to do so
Once again there is no doubt about Bible interpretation
Soem thosuand yeears ago nobody , even the women would argue about this claim
Same as nowadays nobody would argue about the opposite claim ( at least in my country )

I'm not sure what this is saying.

Last edited by Irish_Farmer; 01/28/07 08:07.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."