I'm pretty sure that if a "human" form of God was prosecuted by a group of people, he would toast every person in that group. Seriously, I don't understand how people blame God for there problems. If it wasn't for him (or her, or it... whatever), we wouldn't exist and we wouldn't be complaing (or enjoying life). I'm not a religious person, but if this entity is the reason I exist in the first place, he's #1 in my books.

We're never going to come up with an answer for anything relating to God. It's like counting to infinity... it's just not going to happen. Sure is fun to share views on philosophy tho .

edit: if God is using O.J. Simpsons lawyer, why doesn't he just use the chewbaka defense?

Last edited by Stansmedia; 02/03/07 12:13.

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