O_O, okay, I will give up with my creation of the ULTIMATE custom explosion function... c-script is really bad(and I don’t have time or lust to get in to little-c right now) >.<... I had totally for gut how restricted everything is and how few things you actually can do with this, without working around a huge amount of problems, that would never be anything near a problem with another real language like ex C++, java or normal C O_O...
I will just make a normal explosion with gibs and post it here tomorrow, I am really frustrated right now, after have been battling with empty pointers, function parameters and not being able to send data to effects nor actions... not continuously send data to functions through functions (ex a send a vector and then continue to send that vector to a new instance of the same function)... I know there is tons of ways to work around many things, and I tried lot of them, but never with a result that is good enough, so I give up on doing something advanced with this.
I have not even begun to explain all of those things that I dislike , but this is actually not a post for this, so I wont talk any more about it, but in short terms… I will make a explosion effect that looks something like the image I posted, and if you want to have it different, you will have to change the code and make many different effect functions if you want different behaviour in different situations.
The originality thought was that you should be able to send data to the function to get totally different looking and acting explosions... but now there will be much less options. The options that you will be able to sent id the “scale”(amount of particles and force feed back to the camera), amount of gibs and there gravity and random direction, and a vector to tell witch direction it will explode to(if no special send a nullvector), like if it is a ground placed turret, it will most likely explode upwards with the grounds normal, and if you shoot a rocket at something, the explosion will probably explode out from the normal or the bounce vector, and if it is a moving object, then maybe it will explode more in the direction of its movement.

Enough talking about that now, I will post it tomorrow and it will include a text document explaining how you use it and customise some standard things.

And sorry fro the hold-up, I have been having a lot of homework this weekend, so have not been able to work with is until today afternoon.

(And just tell me if you want me to post this in another thread)


This is how it looks right now.

Gibs and some other effects will be added tomorrow...

Last edited by Gafgar; 09/04/07 02:29.