this is just a guess, but it could be that you have to change the resolution in are running your app in window and the sylex standardt resolution is 1024x768 i think. So my guess is, that you get a 1024x768 resolution when activating the shader and the window mode simply "clips" the rest of the screen.

[edit] alright this isn't the case, is just tried it and it looks fine, even in window mode

Maybe it's because you use a 16:9 resolution (looks the way on your screenshots) instead of 4:3 ?


Where do you find all those shaders? I´ve found just one wich wasn´t one of your 23 PPEs.

just google for "post processing","hlsl post processing","cg post processing" etc. . There a lots of shaders out there

Last edited by BoH_Havoc; 02/04/07 23:07.

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework