Thanks Phemox & Slin,

Both of those are a lot closer to what I am looking for. Slin, about using the Sylex Bloom-- I'm not sure why, but it just renders a black screen-- maybe I need Pro to use it?

By the way, I;d also really like that ATI tone mapping shader for something else, it's beautiful-- but too dark and saturated for my project.. would you mind helping brighten it up and reducing the saturation?


texture postTex1;
texture postTex2;

sampler originalImageSampler = sampler_state
texture = (postTex1);
MinFilter = linear;
MagFilter = linear;
MipFilter = linear;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

sampler blurImageSampler = sampler_state
texture = (postTex2);
MinFilter = linear;
MagFilter = linear;
MipFilter = linear;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

float4 main(float2 tc: TEXCOORD0) : COLOR{
float fExposureLevel= 3.0f; // FROM 2
float4 original = tex2D(originalImageSampler, tc);
float4 blur = tex2D(blurImageSampler, tc);
float4 color = lerp(original, blur, 0.3f);
tc -= 0.5f; // Put coordsin -1/2 to 1/2 range
// Square of distance from origin (center of screen)
float vignette = 1 -dot(tc, tc);
// Multiply by vignette to the fourth
color = color * vignette*vignette*vignette*vignette;//*vignette;
color *= fExposureLevel; // Apply simple exposure level
return pow(color, 1.95f); // Apply gamma and return FROM 1.95

// Just one pass:
technique PostProcess {
pass p1 {
VertexShader = null;
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 main();

Thanks again!