sure I admit graphics are better than 3dgs but it's depend how you use it

look a thoses games they are good and horrible it's depends ...

I'm a noob in 3dgs and all I know it's modeling from other program. Right now I was testing the engien and it's quite powerfull

I seems people don't go throught 3dgs real capacity.

their is many features in blender for modeling but not that much for games ... And now with the shader you can give organics shape and looks

look at intense AI

The script look great but graphics aren't good at all and the question you can ask

Is it the best you can do with this engine ? I'm not talking back shoulder about the developper but many game lacks of good modeling

I'm not a programmer (just a bit but my code are always wrong) I'm just talking to the artists and modelers

your game can be great if your modeling skills are so low.

And it's the reason you must think blender is more powerfull but look at those games and compare

and you are right it's better to wait

there will be a ogre plugin and things will change

( sorry if my english is missy)