okay! a decent sized update:

quat_add, quat_sub, quat_conjugate, and vec_rot_by_quat were all added (vec_rot_by_quat is particularly useful), and quat_for_ang was fixed, so it is fully functional. it doesn't have slerp, but maybe i'll add that in the future if i can find a proper formula for quaternions to the power of something <1 and >0. i don't need slerp so don't count on it i'm busy enough as it is.

it is a new link, because now it is zipped with a readme explaining the functions.

get it here: quaternions.zip (2k)

let me know if anything does something it isn't supposed to. i hope some of you get some use out of these!


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!