
Forgive me for being presumptuous, but it seems this is based on some kind of experience or something. Would you then say that you reject Christianity because Christians lie and manipulate?

Yes, this is indeed based upon experiences with religion(!)* (not just Christianity), but my personal experiences aside, can't you see that having a religion in the first place makes room for guys like this? Religion teaches it's okey to belief in something without substantial evidence or infact even without any evidence at all. They encourage blind faith and this guy gladly takes advantage of that ...

*. Eventhough there are many many more, I'll give two examples;

I once met a monk who at first wasn't trying to convert me, but instead was asking for donations. Anyways we had a little talk and he found out that I study archaeology. At that particular point the whole discussion changed. He started to talk about socalled 'hidden archaeology', as if the world was one big conspiracy against his religion. It wasn't hard to read his face and find out that he a. was lying and b. wasn't sure at all about what he was saying.
I simply know this 'hidden archaeology' thing is untrue (my region of study is southeast-asia/east-asia and china) and he was really trying to manipulate me, convince me of this lie he didn't even believe in himself.

Okey, second example; A lot of Christians always tend to say the church always said the earth was round instead of flat. Well, look in the bible and you'll find out that it only mentions 'circle', not sphere. At some point it mentions 'four corners of the earth' and as you'll understand a sphere doesn't have corners. Christians also claim the church said(!) the world was round, but there are plenty of quotes from sailors saying completely the opposite. Take this famous quote from Magellan: "The Church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the Church." I also wonder which people Christians mean when they say 'scientists' said the world was flat, since there is no record which proves this point, nor would such a generalisation fit. Lying? Manipulating? Well, I'm sorry, but from my point of view and considered the evidence, yes!

( Oww by the way: Prov 8:26-27, Isa 40:22, Isa 40:22, Mat 4:8, Job 38:13, Job 11:9, Deu 13:7, Deu 28:49, Deu 28:64, Deu 33:17, 1 Sam 2:10, Job 1:7, Job 28:24, Job 37:3, Psa 2:8, Psa 19:4, Psa 22:27, Psa 33:13, Psa 33:14, Psa 48:10, Psa 59:13, Psa 61:2, Psa 65:5, Psa 72:8 - all reflect a view of the world as if it were flat! )

This is just one of many reasons why I reject religion, not God, not Jesus, not Budhha, but organised churches and their people turning religion into a method of taking advantage of people.


Last edited by PHeMoX; 03/13/07 17:28.

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