
Okey, second example; A lot of Christians always tend to say the church always said the earth was round instead of flat. Well, look in the bible and you'll find out that it only mentions 'circle', not sphere. At some point it mentions 'four corners of the earth' and as you'll understand a sphere doesn't have corners. Christians also claim the church said(!) the world was round, but there are plenty of quotes from sailors saying completely the opposite. Take this famous quote from Magellan: "The Church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the Church." I also wonder which people Christians mean when they say 'scientists' said the world was flat, since there is no record which proves this point, nor would such a generalisation fit. Lying? Manipulating? Well, I'm sorry, but from my point of view and considered the evidence, yes!

I'm sorry but for some reason people seem to always confuse the church with christianity in generl. Im not an expert at history nor am I a theologist, but as far as I can tell the church has NOT ever been an adequate example of what christianity is, and the reason for that is that the church is made up of people, sinners. Christianity on the other had is an idea, a belief, not necessarily do all of its followers do things right according to the bible. Espescially the church, the church in general has screwed itself over so many times that its not even funny, I mean come on, you have the crusades, you have catholocism which itself is a load of crap, you have several people in the pews who listen to preachers, but dont listen to any other athority, nor consult the bible, but instead just take on there pastor/preacher ideas as there own, without any self interpretation, you can never take the "church" seriously to tell you what christianity actually is.