Do you know why I hate you guys most? a few hundred years ago, you'd kill innocent women, with the accusation of witchcraft. That's right.. you'd kill them. Just because it says so in the bible. Thousands of women, dude... killed.. burned alive.. And that's no 'bible myth' that really happened.. and you know why.. Because it says so in the bible. Now, we don't believe in witchcraft anymore, so you guys just let that one go.... Every other day, someone will accuse christians for witch hunt, and the crusades, and whatever.. but it's all good in the hood right? it was long time ago.. forget and forgive... No a$$holes, i'm not going to forget, until you admit murdering those people for no good reason. And you know what, you're now doing the same exact thing to other people, why? because it says so in the fuking bible. Gays are bad, so let's pass laws that would make their lives living hells. Abortions are bad too, why? it says so in the bible.. that's right, that's your only reason. so let's fukc up some more lives because of that fuking book and all those idiots that still have wits as much as a carrot. Well I hope you sleep better at night, knowing that You that vote for crippling rights from Gays, and not allowing people to abort their own fuking babies and vote to wage war on those pagan islam non-believer a$$holes... just as it says.. on the fuking bible... Well.. You would be the same ones that would be holding a torch in the mob, burning innocent people accused of witchcraft a few hundred years ago.... You know it as well as I do.. So what do you have to say for yourselves? Are you still going to trust this great book, just so you don't have to shake your faith and.. oh my gosh i don't know.. Go to hell for it? Is it worth the risk for you christians? is it worth the risk that you may be right about heaven and hell, and assist on murdering innocent people and fuking up with 'non-believer's' lives? Because that's what you're doing. Don't be any mistaken.. No christian has ever helped anyone. Even your book doesn't really preach anywhere that you should love your gay fellow despite his 'lust for men'. No.. it says, God would fukc him up real good when he's dead, and you just can't wait for this day to arrive now can you? The day you'd see all those non-believer a$$holes get burned in a lake of fire.. Pathetic son of a bitches... I woudn't care less about your sh1t, but the minute all you puss1es gather together and pass laws against everyone else... Watch out, cause if you're wrong, and in the afterlife we all end up in the same place.. I'm coming for your a$$!