I know it doesn't help, but i can't stand posts like those pricks above... And to tell you the truth, it makes me feel better. My wife has been crying all day today, you know why? Because where we live, some decisions that stricly affect our family, is unacceptable behavior.. According to the bible of course. Unfortunately, she's not as thick skinned as i am, and she lets them get to her. How would you feel if you were in my place? Don't just answer, try really putting yourself in my situation first, i'm sure it ain't that hard to visualise... People calling you names behind your back in your own neightbour.... Feeling unwanted everywhere you go...

After our second child, i had a vecectomy. Apparently, it didn't work, and my wife is pregnant now. If she keeps the baby, she'll have to quit her job, and my salary alone is not enough for all of us, let alone another baby in the family. Now if you or RanMan know what to do better than me and my wife do, please let us know. I'm sure your advices will pay our hospital bills and everything

The only reason i'm sharing this great story with the rest of you, is so you can all see how it really is when things get personal. I don't want to Hear about another discussion, about the pros and cons of iraq war, and abortions and whatever you call it. Here i am.. The person that has to deal with all this sh1t. Come and tell me in my face ranman or whoever else, that saying no to abortions is the way to jesus... give it to me... straight to my face