
I know, I know.. I'll say it for you... "Yes Kinji, your right. Jesus is mentioned in Aniquities." lol

It's obvious that yóu didn't look in Antiquities, but I'm not going to beg you to look for yourself, you probably would say they've edited the real document or something crazy. e-sword or BibleWorks != Antiquities, Nitro.


With God all things are possible.

And thát my dear friend is an assumption based on a idealised and wishful image. You define your God as if its almighty, omnipotent and what more, but defining something as being something doesn't mean he actually has all these properties in practise, even íf he would exist after all! It's 100% silly to say that anything is possible because he is God. Because why? What makes you think so? I'll say it for you; you believe so, that doesn't make it true though. Infact, if God would have wanted us to believe in him, he would have made damn sure we would.


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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