
Just curious to your thoughts on the "unknown" tongue. I know what Paul said.. in greek and of course translated. (NT) But what is your opinion on modern day unknown tonque speakers?

I am an unknown tongue speaker so I have a pretty high opinion of them. I also believe in miracles and healings through faith in the wounds of Jesus. I usually try to pray in toungues at least once a day. I'll show you some scriptural background for that another day.(pretty tired right now)

I have seen miracle after miracle occur in my life and I walk and talk with God on a regular basis, and so have millions of other people all over the world, but the majority of scientist still think we are crazy even though we all are telling them our experiences first hand.

So I would definitely agree that the "perfect" has not yet come

Here is an interesting wikipedia entry I read recently as linked to my reading in the (Feb or MArch 2007) issue of Discover magazine about Glossolalia actually slowing down the linguistic functioning in the brain, I believe that that is the extent of what they have done for scientific studies of the phenomena. Glossolalia (speaking in tongues) This is just in case anyone is interested in scientific side of it.

I pray in tongues for a variety of reasons.