

Still cant figure out the "once saved always saved bit"

i'm baptist. i haven't been baptised. baptism isn't believed to be necessary to be saved, but more a symbol of the cleansing of the soul, and a public display of one's faith. to be put quite simply, baptists in general agree with the idea of one being baptized, but it isn't compulsory, and it should only be done with their permission (as opposed to catholics and anglicans baptizing at birth). i'm afraid i don't understand what you mean by the "still cant figure out" bit. once you are saved, you are...
...saved! yes, that's it! what don't you/we get?

check wikipedia if you have any questions.

anyway, that thread was an interesting read i found A.Russell's posts the most entertaining


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!