
many games on the xbox are written in XNA

No. AFAIK there are no commercial XNA games for the Xbox. I'm sure there will be a couple soon, but these will be "Casual Games" not AAA titles. XNA has way too much overhead to be used for a game like Halo3 or GTA.

As far as supporting other platforms (Wii, PS3, etc.), please do a search to see where we stand on that.

Back to the original topic.
Magus: XNA is free so why don't you download and try it out? If it solves your problems, enjoy.

The reason you might want to buy an engine (like 3DGS) is because we make it easier for you to make your game by taking care of the basic stuff (and there is a lot of basic stuff to take care of). Yes, you can do everything we do on your own but you have to ask yourself: "Do I want to make games or be an game-engine programmer?".

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