Guess you misunderstood Clemens, i'm not asking for a free copy. I just want to get in and get a taste of A7 too. I have my money ready for the upgrade A6 -> A7 Commercial. Furthermore, we are long time users and let not forget that we kind of supported the engine longer than those newcommers did. True we have A6 longer, but included were the problems

If someone purchase A6 right now or few months ago, it's really not bad idea to give them a free upgrade to A7 when its actually released. However, I think it is a little strange though that Conitec is now pre-releasing sth to those buyers and forget about us. Like we are not important anymore.

I'm sure there is a good explanation for this behind the scenes. Perhaps it cost Conitec more money to do both. I think if the newcommer download the trial (purchase license) and download the same upgrade as we did it would be more logical. Obviously I can't look inside Conitec office and didn't visit marketing meetings with them, so i'm not sure about reasons.
