Short story: it just doesn't work like that.


we don't buy the release A6 two times

I understand neither do I, but the free upgrade to A7 is meant for either new customers or customers who've upgraded so recently that it would be unfair nót to give them A7 for free. It has nothing to do with customers who have bought A6 a long long time before A7. Those customers can get A7 at half price anyways, new customers don't have that luxury and the unfairness of buying A6 slightly before the release of A7 and not getting A7 is gone ... Sounds fair to me, sorry,


I'm looking forward to upgrading to A7 sometime in the future, but also have to admit that a special deal would have been nice

The "special price" thing is so 1998, but yeah why not.


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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