i thought some more about it...

loading the uvs from an asc file probably wouldn't work that well. it would be better and easier to create a simple custom format which supports two uv-sets and contains the whole mesh in the way direct3d needs it. the 3dgs plugin could be quite simple then since it only would have to replace the mesh of an entity. the majority of the work could be handled by a blender (for example) export script then.


Though is this necessary with the new ABT tree scene manager system and arbitrary level geometry? I am still not entirely clear on what the difference would be.

I guess perhaps if the MDL's are dynamic entities that move around, though then the lightmapping would not really change with the movement??

i think such a plugin still could be useful then. for example you can't use lod with level geometry. so maybe models which can have light maps would make it possible to build bigger levels since you could use a kind of "chunked lod".