
not that it is extremely hard but i think it isn't just a matter of loading the second uv-set. if you want to use the second uv-set for light mapping then the whole mesh has to be restructured since the two uv-sets will have different seams and vertices will have to be duplicated where the seams are different.

I'm curious about this, but I know very little about the way meshes are stored.. Why would the mesh be affected in any way by the UV map? Wouldn't it just be a matter of saving 3 more skin points for every triangle declaration?

Also, does the mdl7 format support multiple UV maps at all, or is it just the engine? In other words, could the second UV map be stored in the mdl file, or should it be loaded at runtime? I looked at the mdl7 SDK and the function for saving a triangle looks like this:
bool Triangle(int v1, int v2, int v3, int sp1, int sp2, int sp3, int material = -1);

3 vertex indices and 3 skin point indices. This looks like you can only save 1 texcoord for every vertex in a .mdl file..