direct3d meshes don't work like the mdl7 format. the reason the mesh gets affected is because uvs get stored with a vertex in the vertex struct and not separately. in a modeling program a vertex can have several different uvs if it is at an uv-seam. in the direct3d vertex buffer such vertices have to be stored multiple times so that each uv is there. this duplication will affect the triangle indices of course.

so you have to write an algorithm which finds out which vertices have to be duplicated and then generate the proper vertex and triangle lists. if i did this in python like i talked about in my previous post this wouldn't be the hard part anymore.

now the hard part for me is all the direct3d buffer stuff since i have no experience with that and i find it a bit confusing. i will try to experiment a little in the next days.


the mdl7 format doesn't support a second uv-set.