Here's a great NormalMapping shader compiled at vertex/pixel shader 2.0 using two passes. Download Here!

This shader started from Matt_Aufderheide's NM shader, then passed to Bloodline where he added more light passes, then to William where he added more features, and last but not least to xXxGuitar511 where he optimized, and added some additional features as well. The heart of this shader is its lighting algorithms, provided by Matt_Aufderheide.

The Final product is a NM shader which supports:
- Dynamic Sunlight
- 3 Dynamic Lights
- Static Lighting
- Specular Lighting
- Fog (mostly )
as well as:
- Great speeds
- adjust settings through material
- fully supports scripts "Customize" menu in WED

If you have any requests for this shader, such as adding more light passes, then just post them here. But remember, the more passes you add, the slower the shader will run!

  • Instructions for use:

    Advanced users:
    include <NM.wdl>;

    Beginning users:
    - Open your project in WED, then go to the [resources] tab.
    - Open the main script for your project. By default, this will have the same name as your map.
    - Scroll down a few lines until you find your [included] files. When you find these, at the end of the list, add the line: include <NM.wdl>;
    - Save your script, and then close it.
    - Apply the material mat_NM to the models you wish to have NM on.
    - Your done!

    For this shader to work, you MUST have a NormalMap in the second skin of your model. For a great tutorial on NM, look HERE.

    Note: Dynamic lighting only supports the light color, not direction. Therefore, A direction for static lighting must be "faked". The direction used for static lighting in this shader is the sun_dir.

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    Votes accepted starting: 04/01/07 16:27
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    - Programmer