I can't believe my post didnt show up

here... on this wall you can see a lighting problem on the bottom right corner... it's not properly lit by the dynamic light... it's actually opposite.

The problem is less noticable on a rough surface like this next picture.. but it's there on the upper left corner...

The dynamic light has to be very close for it to work 'properly', but the outer edges of the light.. i dont know whats making the lighting act like that. Specular is off, so it's not the sun.

Also, I tested it with the diffuse skin 'off' and the lighting is the exact same. So it's not the diffuse skin making it look like shadow.


My settings for both examples are the same:

Diffuse Skin:
Material Setup (box checked)
Effect Setup (box un-checked)
Texture (box checked)

MaterialSetup catagory - Diffuse 255,255,255 - Ambient 23,23,23 - Specular 0,0,0 - Emissive 0,0,0 - Power 0 - Alpha 100

Normal Map Skin:
Material Setup (box un-checked)
Effect Setup (box un-checked)
Texture (box checked)

I know it's not the sun affecting the models this time, because the sun isn't affecting the rest of the models surface, and is in a different direction from where the lights are highlighting the normal maps.

My understanding of normal maps is that a dynamic light would create highlights/shadows using the dynamic light as the source. Here it's kinda just lighting the area and the normal map is getting it's lighting clues from i don't know where

JCL had said he would have a shader for the latest level tutorials that accurately lights the pixels from a dynamic light, is this shader somehow different?

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