Yes frank , here's the thing about shaders , adding a little bloom and the like are simple shaders which anyone can add , and will help the over all look. But normal mapping , is another thing , let me put it this way , after getting quotes from MANY modelers , a quote for a regular model with a texture is around 400-500, even 300 if you get a not so pro guy , now , a model with texture and a normal map will quote from 2000 to 3000 , and by normal mapping I mean "real" normal mapping , i.e. , creating a low poly model , then an extremely high poly model , and then get the normal map from the high poly model to use on the low poly one. It's so much more work to do , you HAVE heard of the 30 million dollar budgets dev teams are getting nowadays for making xbox360 and PS3 games right ? Normal mapping is USELESS if you make a normal map from a low poly model and apply it to itself , in fact , it's retarded to do so , and i've seen thats what many "indies" do think they now have the next gen normal mapping , when in fact that does little to nothing for the model and is a waste of time. Now , the 30 million dollar budgets are very real , and thats why games have shot up to $59 per title , all of the proffesional and commercial developers have stated how much more work it is to make the next gen games and how much more it costs , now this are the people who are making the games you see in the store , and make millions of dollars , and have millions of dollars in budgets , and they are stating how much harder it is development wise to make a next gen game. So how can "YOU"(someone with "NO" commercial game experience whatsoever , much less creating next gen games experience) say it's not much more difficult to add normal mapping and shaders to an indie game ? Are you stupid ? Unless your talking about the cheap fake normal mapping I mentioned earlier , which is "USELESS" and "POINTLESS". I think you should pull your head out of your ass before you speak Frank , and do research about the things your talking about , as I have yet you see any next gen games or models or any type of next gen art coming from you.