I'd like to give a quote about comparing Christianity with the Islam, since there's often this 'our religion is better' kind of talk on both sides..

In fact, Western Civilization has been mostly about getting away from the draconian laws of the Tanakh (aka "Old Testament"). And, yes, fundamentalist Christians are just as dangerous as fundamentalist Muslims. One need look no further than the Holocaust, the Thirty Years' War, the Inquisition, the witch trials, the heresy trials, and the Dark Ages to see how vicious Christian fundamentalists can be. Christianity probably set back Western Civilization by at least 1500 years (think Bruno, Copernicus and Galileo for starters). And the current ignorant assaults on the teaching of evolution show just how treacherous Christian fundamentalists can be!

@Ran_Man: You don't really know if Jesus was crucified.

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