Muslim and Christians both agree that Jesus was alive at one time. He was great, we both agree. He was born of a virgin mother, we both agree. We even agree that he performed miracles. ;-) My thought is this..

If He is so great then why would he lie? He made claims to be the Son of God. At the time some books (NT) were written, people were still alive that heard Jesus teach. If the NT was completely wrong then people would have stomped these claims right then. We cant be sure exactly WHEN each book was written but one that I am settled on is the Gospel of Matthew. It was written somewhere around 60AD. Many of the people that knew Jesus or seen Him would have surly stood up and said something to this effect, "Thats a lie, I heard Jesus teach and he never claimed to be the Son of God!". We have to assume that He DID make this claim.

As for His death... thats not even worth a debate. Checking historical records other than the Bible we can believe with no doubt that He did in fact die by roman hands.

The Muslim belief does not at all hinder our views on Jesus. It can actually help us and increase our faith when just a small amount of common sense is added.

:-D Let us rejoice! We share these beliefs..

1) Jesus was sent from God.
2) He was born of a virgin mother.
3) He performed miracles.
4) Since even the Muslims agree that he was so great then we have to assume that in NO way would he lie. He is in fact the Son of God as He claimed to be.
5) Evidense to support the FACT that He died by roman hand is far greater than proof that He didnt.

In conclusion: To the Muslims.. Wanna come to church? ;-) Jesus loves you.

Just a thought.. Islam is based on a vision. A guy meditates and gets a vision and a whole religion is born. He offers no devine insight, no miracles, nothing more than ordinary. (We're talking about Mohammad) It is hard to believe that you would follow these teachings (Quran) over the ones in the Bible if Mohammad even insisted that Jesus was so GREAT.

Last edited by Kinji_2007; 04/11/07 10:44. A5 and A6 tutorials <> E3S series "Show me once and I got it, tell me once and I'll think twice."