Besides the six doctrines to be believed, there are five duties to be performed:

1. Statement of belief: To become a Muslim, a person must publicly repeat the Shahadah: “There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is the prophet of Allah.”

2. Prayers: This ritual must be performed five times a day. The Muslim must kneel and bow in the direction of the holy city, Mecca.

3. Alms: Muslim law today requires the believer to give one-fortieth of his income. This offering goes to widows, orphans, the sick and other unfortunates.

4. Ramadan: The ninth month of the Muslim lunar year is called Ramadan. It is the highest of holy seasons. Muslims are required to fast for the entire month, but only during daylight hours. As soon as the sun sets, the feasting begins. During Ramadan, the believer must not commit any unworthy act. If he does, his fasting is meaningless.

5. Pilgrimage to Mecca: This is called the Hajj and must be performed at least once in a Muslim’s lifetime. However, if the pilgrimage is too difficult or dangerous for the believer, he can send someone in his place.

Though not “officially” defined along with the five duties are two additional duties of every Muslim.

6. Jihad, or holy war. When any Muslim anywhere declares a jihad, all Muslims everywhere are duty-bound to join the jihad. Since Osama bin Laden declared a jihad against the United States, all Muslims everywhere, including all American citizens who are Muslims, are duty bound to participate in the jihad against America.

7. Shahada. To seek death for Allah. Palestinian leaders are now brainwashing children as young as 12 or 13 years old to actively seek to die as Shaheedin (martyrs) for Allah in the jihad against Israel. They are taught that not only is Shahada their duty, it is something sweet to be pursued. Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Authority actively praise these young Shaheedin and hold them up as an example to be followed by all Palestinian children.

6 and 7 is a bit extreme. Just thought this was a interesting read.

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