
The first world war... (god with us)

Yes, but aren't peoples motives important? Or should we ignore that?

Did the Germans kill the british, because they were infidels or non-believers in WW1?

Did Hitler proclaim a "HOLY WAR" in WW2? No, he did not.
Does Bush proclaim a "HOLY WAR" now? No, he does not.

Yet, muslims do this all the time and nobody cares.
Bin Laden and Hamas, they all say they kill the infidels, but you guys say they do not. ?
What? Do you understand their ideas and reasoning?

The motive of a nation or individual means a lot?

These people kill others, because the Koran tells them to do it, but you guys say they kill for bush or for poverty, but that is not what they SAY.

Why don't you guys listen to them and their writings?

Okay, so sorry to upset everybody's "apple carts of ideas".

I have a game to program and I gotta go.
GOD is calling me to go program for Him.

But really guys, get your head out of the sand for once?


Cougar Interactive
