
Yes, but why do you insist on believing that Muslim fanatics are a direct result of their religion, but Christian fanatics are not? That's really nonsense.

The Koran does in fact teach violent things. As a follower of Christ.. start at Matthew and show me examples of any teaching that would push someone to be violent. Even if you could I am sure it would be taken completely out of context. :-) Ran_Man said things in a harsh way but he was right in some points he made.


"Fight those who neither believe in Allah nor the Last Day, who do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, and do not embrace the religion of the truth, being among those who have been given the Book (Bible and the Torah), until they pay tribute out of hand and have been humiliated." (Surah 9:29)


"...O Prophet, urge the believers to fight. If there are twenty patient men among you, you shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a hundred, they shall overcome a thousand, for they are a nation who do not understand." (Surah 8:65)

I am not debating Islam. No need, I know they are wrong and anyone that is atheist cannot give much insight on the matter. heh

They are a product of the book they read. I would suggest that everyone here, even the guy that claims to be a lukewarm Muslim read the Koran a bit. No offense.


The Quran is very comparable to the bible, both the old and new testament, not just the names of important biblical persons are practically identical

I agree 100%. In fact, I think Mohammad was interested in being a Christian before meditation clouded his mind. :-) He heard the stories, read about them.. he simply knew. In knowing.. around 600 years after Jesus died.. Mohammad in his great mind twisted the storie and told it the way he wanted. Did he have a vision that made all this clear? lol The guy should have prayed a bit more before writing a novel. Again, no offense.


and as we all know the old testament contains some rather bloody and violent scenes too. With comments on women, slaves and what more, right?

If I were living in 800BC I would be a bit concerned. There was a harsh law back then. Law was created for the lawless. Take prison for example.. there is strict rules there. Why? To govern the people that reside there. We know stories of the good guys and a few back in the OT. The bad outnumber the good by far. I would say that God knew what was best. If harsh law was needed at that time then thats the way it had to be. Jesus changed things in a changing world.. so far it has worked out perfect. I am just wondering when Mohammad is going to come back and make a "NT" for the Muslims. heh Tell them that maybe he was just joking about all the killing. lol

On one hand we have a guy that says "Kill the infidel!" and on the other we have Jesus turning the other cheek.


Same as the bible though, the Quran doesn't teach anyone to become a terrorist at all. You don't become a terrorist by believing in the Islam, that's ridiculous.

You misunderstand. The violent teachings make it ok to use any means needed to kill. Seek death for allah? I am sure there are some peaceful Muslims but we are not seeing them in the news. We see terrorists, Jihad and so on. All you have to do is turn on the TV or read the paper. It is full of violence.. when your not seeing our twisted president then you are seeing more footage of Muslims.

As always, good to chat with ya PHeMoX. :-D

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