1) Jesus is a part of God yet He is not the Father. John saw them seperate in his vision. Jesus gave glory to the Father alone. Even when you pray.. Jesus taught to pray to the Father. He did not want you praying to Himself. So I have to ask.. do you pray to the Jesus or do you pray to the Father in the Name of Jesus?


a) This could be a long answer. lol Ill keep it simple. No.. the new Israel is not the people that live in "Israel". Jesus Christ is Israel and so are the Christians that have faith in Him. I can back up this theory. In short, Jesus played the role of Israel. From His birth to His death He followed the path that Israel took. He passed each test in the same order that Israel failed. Take a look.

a) Israel was in bondage in Egypt at the start. In (exo 4:22) the Lord called Israel His Son, even His firstborn. He brought them out of Egypt. Now when Jesus was young His parents took Him to the land of Egypt to avoid Herod. In (matt 2:15) the Word says that Jesus is Gods Son. Thats not the most important thing about that scripture. Check out the fact that Jesus fulfilled what was spoken in (hos 11:1) Saying that.. Jesus is called "Israel".

b) When the Israelites left Egypt they were baptized in the sea. (1 cor 10:2)

b) (matt 3:15) Jesus also was baptized

c) We know that the Israelites now spent 40 years in the wilderness.

c) Jesus after being baptized spent 40 days in the wilderness. (matt 4:1)

d) Israel is the vine? (psa 80:8)

d) Now Jesus is the vine (john 15:1)

e) (isa 41:8) Israel is the seed.

e) Now Jesus is the seed. (gal 3:16)

Galations 3:26-29

Jesus Christ is the seed of Abraham and He is Israel. He is Gods chosen and so are those that follow Him. The "state" of Israel failed to turn to God and even more than that they rejected His Son.

God made a covenant with the 12 tribes at the foot of Mount Sinai. (ex 24:8) The new covenant happens almost the same way with the 12 apostles, Mount Zion. (matt 26:28)

Check out (rom 9:3-8) There is a clear idea of who the NEW Israel is.

Who was Jesus talking to in (john 8:41) ? What did He say about them?

Again, who is a Jew? Who is Israel? Read (rom 2:17) and (rom 2:25-27) This explains it very well.

If this is true then imagine how many things are possibly misunderstood. What about revelations? Read it again and apply "Israel" to the church. It takes a whole new meaning. What about the 3rd temple being built after the second one was destroyed? We know where the temple is. Within us. If we as Christians are the new Israel and the new temple of God is in our hearts then many things take new meaning in the Word.

When was the Israelites stripped of their calling? Check out (matt 21:43)

I'll continue later. :-)

Last edited by Kinji_2007; 04/15/07 16:55.

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