Off course, I'm not a Christian, but I've got some questions anyways, since these topics are interesting to some extent.


Well because I don't see atheist, buddhist or anybody else trying to conquer the world by force in such a religious manner like the anti-christ is supposed to do. Who is it?

Well, wouldn't it make sense considering Satan's (=the anti-christ right?) alleged treacherous nature that he's actually one of the Christians, you know 'a false prophet', a 'new messiah'?

Does he/she/it/whatever necessarily have to do anything religious? Doesn't it only have to be very very evil?


Because God does not abandon totally His people ever. I don't think God is like that.

I don't want to attack this opinion, but it's quite an assumption. What comes to my mind is also the fact that according to many Jews had a curse of being prosecuted, terminated and what more. What God would allow that to happen to 'his chosen people'?


4) Are we required this day and age to tithe 10%. If not, why do you think so?

As long as it's for charity for which it's meant and not for the churches private gold supply, why not... However, when looking at the Vatican, ... enough said, right?


Ain't it worth talking about?

I'd say yes it's worth it, however, it depends on the amount of uh ridiculousness I think.


Maybe because most religions dealing with fear and ignorance and not with love and truth?

Pfew, at least sóme seem to understand how religion is a method of controlling the mass, even to this day ...


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