
Well, wouldn't it make sense considering Satan's (=the anti-christ right?) alleged treacherous nature that he's actually one of the Christians, you know 'a false prophet', a 'new messiah'?

There could be a man and it may be a spirit. If you want to get right down to it... something that is against the teachings of Christ. IMO I think that satan is more clever than we all think. he transforms himself into a angel of light. Today man has created doctrines that not only have nothing to do with the Bible but some even go against the teachings of Christ. Thus the spirit of the anti-christ works from within the church. I could give you a list that would blow your mind.. catholic, baptist, pentecostal, mormon and so on.. man has in many ways changed the Word of God to fit his needs. Again, IMO.. the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making someone think they're saved when in fact they are not. Faith alone will not get you there.


I don't want to attack this opinion, but it's quite an assumption. What comes to my mind is also the fact that according to many Jews had a curse of being prosecuted, terminated and what more. What God would allow that to happen to 'his chosen people'?

There is a long history of God trying to deal with His people. He gave them so many chances. They need only turn to Him yet they did not in most cases. 40 years in the wilderness.. thats a long time and they brought this upon themselves. Worshipping false gods, adultry, murder and so on.


As long as it's for charity for which it's meant and not for the churches private gold supply, why not... However, when looking at the Vatican, ... enough said, right?

Thats not a good example. lol I wouldnt actually put "catholic" in on Christianity. The Bible speaks of a "great whore". Geuss who that is? They are the best at totally twisting the Word to fit them. Just curious for you catholics.. what right does any man have to forgive you of your sins? You confess to man or to God? And who gave the authority to pray to Jesus' mother?
I wont even get to much into this one. lol


Maybe because most religions dealing with fear and ignorance and not with love and truth?

Do you serve God because you love Him or do you serve Him out of fear of hell?
I say serve Him out of love with fear and respect. As for churches controlling the mob with fear tactics.. see my thoughts above about man changing the Word to fit his needs.


Because I feel that religeon is a crutch for the weak. I believe in Christ and Christianity, I simply choose to go against it. I have no soul, no faith, just hatred for man.

O_O I must say "wow". Kinduv reminds me of what Jesus said about Judas. Ouch. God loves you and it isnt to late. ;-) Believeing is the hard part for most people.

Last edited by Kinji_2007; 04/16/07 22:52.

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