For Israel? They are not actually Gods chosen now. They lost it. Jesus made this very clear. Check the second post I made here for my reasons of thinking this.

Jesus Christ is Israel.. those that follow Him are the chosen. Paul also made this very clear.

Sorry if I misunderstood the question.


What would that look like in practice? What's your definition of 'angel'. Can we see those or are those ghostly beings? (As you'll understand, I'm just curious, I don't believe in angels at all)

As a whole.. a servent of God. Not sure of how one looks but I can imagine that taking the form of man is possible. (angel of light) I think the scripture is talking about a teaching or way of life that is wrong but made to look like it is right. A example.. if oneness is not correct then Jesus and the Father are 2 seperate beings. Oneness prays to Jesus as the Father thus eliminating the Father all together. Not saying oneness is wrong.. just saying that this is a example of how very bad things can be made to look like very good things.


If you're talking about the 30s, I think it has probably been the other way around.

Even now. Fear of hell, fear of the pastor, fear of what the deacon thinks about you, so many rules to throw in your face. In many churches the pastor deserves so much respect but the Bible also says for us to test the spirits.

Last edited by Kinji_2007; 04/16/07 23:11. A5 and A6 tutorials <> E3S series "Show me once and I got it, tell me once and I'll think twice."