
While I never experienced any of this, when you look at some of the crazy people in the world who do very crazy acts, you have to wonder if their possessed.

Insane people are simply insane, not possessed. Not every insane person actually becomes a serial-killer, some simply are crazy, their brains just 'don't tick right'. There's no reason to assume they are possessed, some even are good Christians too despite their craziness, so that would rule it out actually. I even know someone who apparently has the entire Bible content in his head and speaks out Biblical verses almost 24/7. Definitely crazy, but kinda strange if he would be possessed.


The majority of the time it's people who are doing lots of drugs, very depressed, and have a pretty tough go at life

Lol, don't underestimate the effects of drugs, especially certain harddrugs, but even cannabis.

If you're very depressed that means your mental health is in a horrible condition. When people search for a reason why they are depressed, they'll often think it's not their own fault and eventhough their situation usually caused it, they often draw strange conclusions. Some find themselves in a equilibrium they think they can't break out of, I don't think Jesus is the cure, I think changing their situation is. If believing in Jesus changes their situation, all the better really, but it's definitely not the 'cure' per say for depressed people. I have to add one thing, religion tends to give hope to people, that's part of what depressed people really need, but they also need their situations to change (usually drastically).


Or maybe there child predators, with multiple repeat offenses. Somethings screwed up mentally, and they sure weren't born this way, yet they can't get rid of their very serious mental state.

They are (at least partly) born like this actually. It's a bit like homosexuality, you don't become one because of your environment, nor does a pedophile become one because of his environment. You often hear pedophiles have had a terrible youth, but what about the billions of other people with terrible youths? Right, they don't all become pedophiles.


The minority were Christians, almost always born again in their late 20's or so, and they said it was during their worst time in life, usually not explaining the rest of their stories or what they did to deserve this. The thing about these people is once born again Christians, there usually the most jumpy in Churches, always preaching at the top of their lungs and the such even before taking the time to think what their saying over.

Everybody deserves a second chance no question, but I don't believe in most of these 'born again' stories.


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