
A example is the argument you showed for e-sword. Totally wrong yet you would not at least check yourself.

Actually, I was right, e-sword is full of errors. It's a source similar to the dozens of answeringgenesis.org clones ...


Look at the facts and get beyond your ego.

I'd recommend you to look at the real facts, you didn't even took the time to look-up the errors in e-sword. There are even some biblical passages that are simply quoted wrong. It's all out there and it has nothing to do with me ego. Like I said in that topic, you should look for it yourself, especially because you believe in it so blindly. Lol, talking about ego ...


You try again on a topic that your obviously not well aware of. ;-)

I thought you read it? lol Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh, the Word of God, the image of a invisible God. He made the promise thus God did come down. Your not showing me that you read it. ;-) This is getting funny.

Did you live back then? No. Did you know that Jesus was VOTED to be the son of God? Apparently you ignore all that. Fine, but don't claim things you can't claim.

I've read it, yes, but there's no reason to believe it.


To you and other atheist I am sure it does. Just like homosexuals think that the Bible is off for going against them. If you are guilty and do not have the desire to make your life right, then of course you will be offended.

Wow, you've completely managed to miss my point. I am not guilty at all, it's just a simple matter of psychology ... Christianity threatens everyone actually, not just the real guilty.


You must be seriously bored to invite yourself into a Christian to Christian topic. But then again this is a open forum.

Hey, I'm not the one who made it personal pal , you started saying I never read the bible and things like that. I'm by far not offended though, that takes a lot more, I'm just in this topic because it interests me. And yeah, in my curiosity I do wonder how you people defend certain ideas. I'm glad this is an open forum and I thought we were having a relatively peaceful discussion?


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